Raining Lamppost

Home Page

Very much under construction!

I'm RainingLamppost, I've been around on the internet for a while, I used to do flash animation on Newgrounds and Gmod animations on Youtube - now I do vidjo games, sprite animation, writing and music - I've got a world were all my made and planned games take place (aside from a LISA fangame in the works) - they're all connected on a timeline with a buncha Wierd Stuff I've been wanting to share for years, but not had a way to really do so as games take forever to make...

So I'm thinking maybe on here I can put all the future game potential spoiler and lore stuff here so at least it's somewhere where people interested can have a look!

I always worry I'm intruding on people's time with my stuff so having a place to just be myself and add things and share ideas is a very attractive idea - also I freakin love GeoCities stuff - espesh tiny icons ! - I've always remembered Metroid Database's tiny little Metroid icon, which I just went and found, loved this little thing for like 20 years:

I've had a few websites of my own back in the day, made with Notepad, Dreamweaver and also Flash - but it was a long time ago and without Dreamweaver to put stuff together I'm using a template and I'm just wary about making more pages right now because they'd all be dups of this one, and if I decide to change any aspects then I'd have to change it for the lot of them - I imagine there's a way to make even more of a template via the style.css but that's way out of my knowledge.

Anyhow I'd really like to get this place up and running, thanks for stopping by!

For now, here's my carrd which has links
to pretty much all the things I be doin