Raining Lamppost


A game I put onto Steam Greenlight, back when it was a thing, as a game just called "H".
I'd already finished H, which had taken two years and had moved on to working on a game I still wish to come back to, but years later I got an email that H had been accepted (presumably by votes trickling in over time) - so I decided to update and rework H into EnHanced.
That in itself took another 2 years.
There's not much else for me to say about it, it was a big part of my life for a while, and I was working on it when my mum died of cancer back in 2018, so my association with it is a bit complicated.

All I can say is I did my best with what I had to hand at the time, which was Photoshop and Multimedia Fusion 2.

Game Description:

After what must have been a wild party, Security Personnel H wakes up in the Holding Bay, the deepest areas of the secret underground base X-42, where he and his family lives and works.

He receives a rude awakening from an unfamiliar and facetious administrator called LARANK, the self-professed VOICE of TRUTH that does the base announcements and who has the desperate need of a CAWFEE. Informing H in a rather round-a-bout fashion, LARANK tells him that the dangerous creatures the facility was housing have escaped and are wreaking havoc!

Concerned for his family, his work, and because he can’t find anyone else around, H has to rely on Larank as he moves through the now-hostile base, searching for survivors and hanging onto the hope that his family have somehow been spared.

•Destroy enemies and props to add to your SCORE!
•As your SCORE increases, you LEVEL up and can enhance abilities such as BEAM strength, weapon cooldown, range, health, use of missiles, grenades and more!
•Dialogue! Story! Cutscenes! Drama! More than 10 bosses! …And A Thousand Elephants!
•Secret areas to find, cameras to smash (after being told not to), unlockable bios and memories!
•Featuring over 61 of the best beepboop songs by EPIC BLARGMAN!
•More than two whole hours of gameplay! (If you’re taking your time and not skipping everything)
•Skippable cutscenes!
•Well, a few elephants at least.
•Created almost entirely by one person.
•Okay there’re no elephants, it just looks good in the features list.

Places you can get it: