Raining Lamppost


A game I put onto Steam Greenlight, back when it was a thing, as a game just called "H".
I'd already finished H, which had taken two years and had moved on to working on a game I still wish to come back to, but years later I got an email that H had been accepted (presumably by votes trickling in over time) - so I decided to update and rework H into EnHanced.
That in itself took another 2 years.
There's not much else for me to say about it, it was a big part of my life for a while, and I was working on it when my mum died of cancer back in 2018, so my association with it is a bit complicated. That coupled with the total lack of response, weird curator interactions and people's main hang-ups being things I couldn't fix due to the engine I was using.

All I can say is I did my best with what I had to hand at the time, which was Photoshop and Multimedia Fusion 2.

Game Description:

After what must have been a wild party, Security Personnel H receives a rude awakening from an unfamiliar and facetious administrator called LARANK.
The self-professed VOICE of TRUTH informs H in a rather roundabout fashion that dangerous entities the facility was housing have escaped and are wreaking havoc.


<-- Larank shown here hard at work helping guide H

Concerned for his family, his work, and because he can’t find anyone less unhinged to work with, H has to rely on Larank as he moves through the now-hostile base, searching for survivors and hanging onto the hope that his family are safe.

• Retro stylized short n sweet story driven run & gun platformer game
• Destroying enemies and props increase your Score and Level Up, in turn allowing you to enhance abilities such as Beam Strength, Weapon Cooldown, Beam Range, Health, Missiles, Grenades and more
• Larank is in it, and is known for not quite taking these sort of situations all that seriously
• Secret areas to find, cameras to smash (after being told not to), unlockable bios and lore
• More than 10 bosses
• Featuring over 61 tracks by EPIC BLARGMAN
• Over 90 unfortunately in-joke titled Achievements

Places you can get it: